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8 Questions to Ask Softcover Book Publishers Before Choosing One

April 21st, 2024 | 4 min read

By Alaina Richardson

Choosing the right book printer is a crucial step in the journey of transforming your manuscript into a beautifully printed book. This decision can greatly influence your budget, the quality of your book and ultimately, the satisfaction of your readers.

At Integra Graphics Synergy, we’ve worked on both soft and hard cover book publications for nearly two decades. We understand that we’re not the best fit for every business or individual publishing their books, and we’ve learned how to help potential customers fully vet each printer they consider before landing on a decision. To make that process easier for you, we’ve decided to share the top questions you should ask each printer as you’re deciding.

The following is a guide to help you navigate the process of selecting a printer, ensuring that you find a partner who meets your specific needs and enhances the success of your publishing project. Your journey into the world of print publication will be much smoother sailing when you can apply these eight questions and find answers that meet your expectations.

Because major differences often exist in the process and equipment involved in printing hardcover vs. softcover books, we’re going to focus on the more common and popular soft cover here.

Before Asking Your Book Printing Questions

Before reaching out to potential printing partners, it's essential for you to have a clear understanding of your book's requirements.

Consider factors such as the type of book you're publishing (novel, textbook, children's book, etc.), the expected print run size and your overall budget. These elements will dictate the type of printing services that best suit your project — whether digital for shorter runs or offset for larger volumes.

Once you've nailed down the majority of these details, find at least three printers you can compare and interview with the following eight questions.

1. What Is Your Printing Specialty?

Printers often specialize in different types of books or printing methods. Asking this question will help you determine if their strengths align with your project's needs. A printer that specializes in high-quality art books might not be the best choice for mass-market paperbacks.

2. Can You Provide Samples of Similar Softcover Book Projects?

Seeing physical samples of books they've produced will give you a better understanding of the quality you can expect. It also offers a tangible comparison between different printers' quality standards.

3. What Book Printing Options Do You Offer?

Inquire about their available printing options, such as ink types, paper quality, binding styles and finishing options. This inquiry is particularly important if your book requires specific features, like high-quality color reproductions or unique binding.

4. What Is Your Book Printing Turnaround Time?

Knowing how long it will take a vendor to print and deliver your books can significantly affect your timeline, especially if you have set launch dates or marketing activities planned.

To get an idea of what your timeline might look like with Integra Graphics Synergy, try out our turnaround calculator below.

5. Do You Provide Proofs Before Final Printing?

Proofs are essential for ensuring that everything in your book is correct before the entire batch is printed. Confirm whether each vendor offers digital proofs, which are quicker and cheaper, or hardcopy proofs, which give a more accurate representation of the final product.

Remember to consider your own preferences for digital vs. physical samples as you're asking this question. You may even be able to secure both proof types if you request them in advance.

6. How Do You Handle Errors or Issues With Printing?

Understanding a printer’s policy on printing errors can save you significant headaches. Ask about their process for addressing any issues that may arise, such as misprints or quality defects.

7. What Are Your Book Printing Prices, and How Do They Scale With Order Size?

Pricing is crucial. Request detailed quotes for different order sizes to understand how costs might change based on the number of copies you decide to print. As is the case with most printed materials, the more you order at one time, the lower your unit price will be.

8. Can You Fulfill Additional Services Like Storage, Fulfillment and Distribution?

Some printers offer comprehensive services that go beyond just printing. These can include warehousing your books, setting up digital storefronts and even fulfilling orders directly to customers, which can be a great asset if you do not want to handle distribution yourself.

Evaluating the Fit Before Selecting Your Softcover Book Printer

After gathering this information, assess each printer not just on price, but on how well they can meet your specific needs. Consider their:

  • Customer service
  • Typical turnaround times
  • Available equipment
  • Printing capabilities and specialties
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Customer reviews and testimonials
  • Prior experience with books like yours
  • Willingness to work with you on custom requests
  • Overall enthusiasm for your project

A good relationship with your printer can contribute to the smooth and successful production of your book, so make sure you put ample time and effort into the selection process.

Choose a printer who not only offers the best balance of quality, price and services but also shows a genuine interest in making your book project a success. Remember, printing is not just a transaction — it’s a partnership that affects the final quality of your work.

Set Yourself up for Book Printing Success by Asking All the Right Questions

The process can without a doubt feel daunting — you've written a book for yourself or your business, it's become your baby, and now you need to entrust it to a stranger. How can you know for sure that said stranger will give your book the time and respect it deserves?

Rest assured that by asking three or more book publishers the above questions, you can make sure you're selecting the right printer for your book. And in selecting the right printer for your book, you'll ensure that every page reflects your vision. With the right printer by your side, you can navigate the complexities of book production with confidence and look forward to the moment you're holding your published work in your hands — exactly as you envisioned it.

If you don't feel ready quite yet to start vetting potential candidates for your print work, you may want to review the most crucial information to know before publishing a softcover book.

On the other hand, if you are ready to select the right print professional for your upcoming book launch, we hope you'll consider the team at Integra Graphics Synergy. We'll gladly answer every one of the questions on this list and any others you think up along the way — and we'll let you know straightaway if we don't think it's a good fit. Click below to reach a member of our team!